View on Fügen
Today we started a 14 days holiday to Fügen in the Zillertal in Tirol (Austria). We had to get up early, because we left home around 7 o’clock in the morning to catch the train to Rotterdam at Central Station here in Den Haag. Around 9 o’clock the Rhein Express arrived. We thought we knew where our carriage (number 174) stopped (we watched the train a week before), but this one was much longer so we had to walk and run a long distance first to enter. We traveled first class with the seats 42, 44 and 46.
In Eindhoven, we got some company of another family with a son, Harmen, who was 12 years old then. Around 12 o’clock that afternoon there was a lunch ready for us in the Speissewagen. During our travel much more persons entered the train and we received our "Zug-Begeleiter" in which we could read when and where the train supposted to arrive during the traveling. Our travel agent for this 15 days was Yvonne R. and she traveled with us from Stuttgart.
It took us 9 hours before we finally arrived in Jenbach and then with a bus to Fügen. We staid in "Hotel Post" during our holiday and Jenneke JR. got room number 347 and her parents number 354. The rooms were beautiful. Number 354 had a balcony with some beautiful flowers. It was around 10 o’clock that we went to bed.
In the morning we walked around in Fügen and watched the outside of the Hotel. Around half past 10 we went back inside to Hotel for the welcome party of Yvonne. The location was the Alte Stube of the Hotel and she told us a lot about Fügen and the upcoming excursions. We also made a photo of the group as a remembering.
Around 1 o’clock in the afternoon, we went to "Innsbruck". We received a map of Innsbruck already. First we paid the "Skispringturm" of Innsbruck a visit and then we went back to the city itself.
The Gold Roof of Innsbruck
There was some time to walk around and bought some costume dolls of the Zillertal, Wilten, Montafon and Gailtal. There’s something funny to tell about all these costume dolls Jenneke JR. bought (or got) during this holiday. Before we went away, she spent some hours reading in her costume doll books and she made a list with all the costume dolls, which were available in Tirol. And what a list it was! There are so many dolls available there, to take them all with her would be a problem. How could she solve that? Just to take an extra suitcase with her, which she put in her bag. She only told her mother about it and you can imagine how surprised her father was when he found out, saying by every new costume doll that he bought: "How can we get all these dolls with us to Holland?" Of course, he laughed when he realized what his daughter had organized many weeks before already and he found it very clever as well. And it wasn’t for nothing, because at the end of the holiday there was a final total of 16 costume dolls, which traveled with the family back home to Holland! We had dinner around 7 o’clock that evening.
In the morning Jenneke JR. and her father made a walk trough Fügen. Underway they saw "Hotel Crystal" where a part of the group staid. We also watched the "Spieljochbahn" of Fügen. And in the afternoon they watched the "Zillertal Express" and bought two other costume dolls. This time from the Inntal and Tirol.
Zillertaler Express
Today we had our first daytime excursion. We visited "Hintertux". Jenneke’s mother and father took a drive to the top of the mountain with the snow still laying there. Jenneke JR. walked around and bought some post cards. When the whole family was reunited again, they drank some cafe in "Gasthof Pension Hintertuxerhof".
After the cafe, the whole group traveled to "Mayerhofen" and had a lunch in "Alpenhotel Kramerwirt". Of course, we bought here another costume doll from Feldkirchen.
In the afternoon, we visited "Schlegeis". We walked around and had a drink. After 4 o’clock, the sun disappeared behind the mountains and it became very cold. We traveled back to Fügen and had dinner again.
We walked through Fügen in the morning and discovered some new shops. There was one shop with a lot of costume dolls and Jenneke JR. took a photo of it. In another shop, we saw some typical clothes of Tirol.
In the afternoon, Jenneke JR. and her father wanted to make another trip in the neighborhood, but there was a major thunderstorm on its way so they went back to the Hotel.
It was time to send some post cards away to family and friends in Holland, so we bought some in a shop across the street of our Hotel. In the afternoon, we visited the "Krimmler Wasserfälle". It was still raining so it was almost impossible to take photos. There were a lot of clouds hanging around as well and driving a bus in these circumstances isn’t funny. We drunk some tea in Gros and bought a costume doll of Salzburg.
Krimmler Wasserfälle
Another rainy morning and we only went to the post office to get some money and to buy some more post cards. In the afternoon, we were more lucky, because there was a little sunshine and Jenneke JR. and her father decided to travel to "Zell am Ziller" where they walked through the city and bought a costume doll of Pongau. They traveled to Zell am Ziller by bus but went back with the Zillertaler Express.
Zell am Ziller
The day started around 8 o’clock in the morning. Today we went to "Kufstein" and there was some time to visit the city. After Kufstein we visited Germany where we sailed over the "Chiemsee" to "Koningschloss Herrenschiemsee" to the Märchenschloss of Köning Ludwig II. We had a lunch first and then we went inside.
The Royal Castle of Herrenchiemsee
Ludwig II repeatedly came incognito to Versailles in order to study there the Royal Castle. His administration for the French Solar King Louis XIV induced him to copy him on Herrenchiemsee. Thus, in 1878 he began to realize his royal dream. The luxury of the interior was to surpass everything existing up to then. The western front of length of 103 meters shows towards the garden.
The State Bedroom
The state bedroom is the rewal culmination as to the exuberance and luxury of the castle. It only was dertimined for representation and thus it was never used by King Ludwig II. The wall panels, window- and curtains are of purple velvet with precious gold embroidery.
It was so beautiful there with a lot of gold. Unbelievable.
After this visit, we traveled back to Fügen and had dinner.
In the morning Jenneke JR. and her father took the "Spieljochbahn". Maybe you can imagine what a great victory that was for Jenneke JR to sit in such a thing. Unfortunately, the view at the top of the mountain wasn’t so spectacular, so they went down very quickly. It was very foggy and cold. They even had to stop a ride with the bahn later that day, because of the thunderstorms!
Today we traveled to "Salzburg".
A very long way to go, so halfway there was a busstop for a drink in "Gasthof Pension Lärchenhof" and we arrived in Salzburg around 11 o’clock. The bus "dropped" us at the "Mozartplatz". We had to get back there at 12 o’clock for the lunch in "Café Glockenspiel". After the lunch, we got another 3 hours to visit Salzburg. Here we bought "Mozart and Nannerl", two very famous figures of Salzburg. After a while, it started to rain again. Jenneke JR. made another trip, alone, through the city to buy a little costume doll of Wachau and her mother and father staid in a restaurant for a drink. On her trip, Jenneke crossed the house in which Mozart was born and she took a photo of it.
Around 3 o’clock, we went back to Fügen and crossed a lake where they filmed a part of the movie "The Sound of Music". In the evening Jenneke JR. wrote a new chapter for her holiday book and then went to bed.
We bought a "Wichelmann" for Jenneke JR’s birthday today in Fügen. We had seen them before and we loved him immediately. Isn’t he sweet?
In the afternoon we had another excursion. This time we went to the "Achensee". Before we sailed over the lake, we visited "Rattenberg" with his glass business. In "Pertisau" we took the boat over the Achensee and sailed to "Scholastika". Unfortunately, it started to rain again when we walked through Pertisau. Jenneke JR. went outside the restaurant to watch the brook with the trout in it.
On our travel back to Fügen, we stopped at the "Kanzelkehre" to watch all the cars and so on. That was so great, we really wanted to stay a little longer there, but we had to get into the bus again otherwise we had missed our dinner in the Hotel.
It was a beautiful sunny day today with very high temperatures. A very good day to take a bike and do some travelling around. It was "Radwandertag" today in Fügen. We went to the Hauptschule around 9 o’clock to see or we could get some bikes, but for this morning there was no bike available anymore. Yvonne promised to organize some bikes for the afternoon. Jenneke JR. staid a little longer at the start and made some beautiful photos of people in Zillertaler costume. A real experience.
Indeed, it was possible to take a bike later that afternoon. The traject was hard (many mountains and they aren’t so easy to climb for people who are used to no mountains at all), but unforgettable.
After dinner, we all went to bed very early with red heads of the burning sun.
We took the bus around 7 o’clock in the morning and traveled to the "Grossglockner" today. It was raining again and we were afraid that we wouldn’t see anything at all, but surprise: when we arrived at the Grossglockner and we climbed above the clouds, it was lovely weather with a lot of sunshine and snow on the mountains. The view was so beautiful. We even saw a "Murmeltier" that now the left over eats from what the tourists are leaving behind. On top of the mountain there was another costume doll for Jenneke JR: a doll of the Gutsztal.
Around 12 o’clock we started to get very hungry and drove to "Rasthaus Schöneck" for the lunch. After the lunch we visited "Heiligenblut" to watch the church there before we traveled back to Fügen and we used the "Felbertauern-Panoramastraße".
After dinner there was a possibility to watch a video about the "Radwandertag" from the day before. We all had our doubts or people, who didn’t participated in it, had a clou what happened during that day, because the video was a complete nightmare, but anyway, it was great to watch it.
Later that evening Jenneke JR. started to pack her suitcase with costume dolls already. Not a bad idea, because it costed her 90 minutes before all the16 dolls found a place in it.
The last whole day in Fügen and it rained again. We paid the church of Fügen a visit and after that we went to the church nearby Fügen, but unfortunately the last one was closed so we couldn’t get inside. Just before the shops closed, Jenneke JR. received her last costume doll during that holiday of Lienz, but there was no place for her anymore in the extra suitcase so she traveled back to Holland in a plastic bag.
Time to say goodbye to Fügen. We arrived to early at the station in "Jenbach" so there was some time to drink some cafe before the travel back to Holland started. Around half past 10 the Rhein Express entered Jenbach. We just finished our lunch when it was time to say goodbye to Yvonne in Stuttgart. It was a quiet travel till around 4 o’clock in the afternoon when we heard strange noises. We found out that we, probably, lost some brakes of our compartment! Not a very funny thing to think about….
After taking our train from Rotterdam to Den Haag again and driving the last part with a cab, we entered our house around 12:15 in the morning of July 19. Exhausted we went to bed and looked back on a marvelous holiday.
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