
Hotel in Schonach

Sport und Kur Hotel in Schonach


This time we spent our holiday in Schonach in the Schwarzwald in West Germany. Till May 23 we even didn’t know or it would be possible to go on vacation! Jenneke JR’s father tumbled down the stairs on May 18 and and had some internal injuries. It was the day that our neighbor’s youngest daughter was born and that he wanted to visit cousin Clasien in Apeldoorn. But inspite of traveling to Apeldoorn he spent many hours in the hospital. But on May 23 the doctor said that we were permitted to travel if he was taking good care of himself and not lifted things like luggage and so on. That meaned that Jenneke JR. had to do all the liffting during our holiday.

May 26, 1977

Our neighbor brought us to Central Station here in Den Haag and there we took a train to Amsterdam. We ordered a luggage porter for our luggage a week before and he waited on us to carry our luggage to the Loreley Express. First we traveled to "Offenburg". We shaired our compartment with a man of 77 years old and a family who spent the night by their son because of the highjackings in De Punt and Bovensmilde.

In Offenburg our tourmanager, Sophie, gave us a book about Schonach and a map of all the excursions for the upcoming 14 days. When we arrived in Schonach, in the "Sport und Kuhr Hotel", Jenneke JR got an apartment of her own (number 2) situated all alone downhills and her parents got number 98 higher in the Hotel.

May 27, 1977

In the morning, we alked to the "Haus des Gastes" in Schonach where the mayor (Max) welcomed us. We also received a "Gemeinschafts Kurkarte" to get some reductions for some things the upcoming days.

After our welcomeparty, we drunk some cafe in "Café Trolda" a little restaurant in Schonach and we walked, with a part of the group, through the neigborhood in the afternoon. It was great to see Schonach from another side.

In the evening, we asked for another apartment in the Hotel for Jenneke JR, because it was very risky to let her stay there alone in this apartment. There was a way crossing the Hotel just in front of her apartment and it was very easy to walk in there for totally strangers. Luckily nothing happened, but she didn’t sleep much during her stay in this apartment.

May 28, 1977

A daytrip to "Freiburg" where we staid for the lunch. It was such a beautiful sunny day and most of us walked around there and visited the shops. Especially the old buildings were great. We made some photos and bought postcards.

Freiburg  Freiburg

In the afternoon we went to "Feldburg" where we visited an old church. Back in the bus, we saw some snow on top of the mountains and we drove to the "Titisee" where we sailed over the sea.



May 29, 1977

Jenneke JR. and her mother went to the parc of Schonach and listened to a concert. The concert wasn’t that interested and it also started to rain so we went back to the Hotel where Jenneke JR’s father waited.

In the evening Jenneke JR. used the swimmingpool of the Hotel and went to bed.

May 30, 1977

After some sunny moments, it started to rain and so we decided to take some rest today. We said down in the apartments of Jenneke JR’s parents and read a book and eated and drunk there during the day.

May 31, 1977

Jenneke JR. and her father made a trip, together with the rest of the group, to "Schaffhausen". We never expected to see so much water and to hear such a noise, but it was great to see the waterfall.



After that, we drove to Switzerland to "Gottlieben" with a lunch with very delicious fish.

After the lunch, we visited the "Island of Mainau" with the beautiful flowers. Jenneke JR. decided to walk and her father took the train. When the two were reunited again, they watched the flowers and around 5 o’clock it was time to go back to Schonach again.

Mainau Mainau

June 1, 1977

We bought some postcards today and a costume doll of the Schwarzwald.

In the evening, we visited "Strasbourg" in France. There was a woman who almost killed Jenneke JR. with driving her off the stoop. To overcome the shock, she recieved another costume doll.

When we arrived back in the Hotel there was some good news for us. There was another aprtment available now for Jenneke JR. with number 145. It had 4 beds, a bathroom, a kitchen and a livingroom with some chairs and a big dinnertabel. Very comfortable and this apartment was situated much higher.

June 2, 1977

In the evening we went to "Triberg", just the three of us. Triberg

We watched the beautiful waterfall, visited the Costume Doll Museum and the parc. You can imagine, that visting the Costume Doll Museum was one of the highlights of this holiday. Jenneke JR. had never seen so many costume dolls together in her llife.

June 3, 1977

Today we traveled through the "Gutachdal" to "Freudenstadt". Unfortunately, there wasn’t much time to visit the city. Then we drove to "Oberkirch" using the "Badische Weinstraße" and after the lunch we visited "Gengenbbach" and drove to "Gutach" to watch the typical farmhouses of Switzerland in the "Vogtsbauernhof". Vogtsbauernhof

June 4, 1977

In the morning Jenneke JR. bought another costume doll. Unfortunately, it rained all day, but it was good to be in our apartments and take some rest especially for Jenneke JR.’s father.

June 5, 1977

After a little walk to Schonach, in the rain, Jenneke JR. and her mother were just back in the Hotel when a major thunderstorm hit the city with some fog that made it impossible to see the houses of Schonach.

June 6, 1977

It was "Vogezen" time today. It rained during the whole day so we didn’t see much of all the wonderful views. We had a cafebreak in "Neuenburg am Rhein" in Germany, and a lunch in "Markstein" higher in the mountains with even more rain. In "Riquewihr" was it possible to visit the city, but there was a shooting for a French movie so half of the city was closed. We bought another costume doll here and then went back to Schonach.

June 7, 1977

In the morning we bought some last souvenirs and in the afternoon we went to "Furtwangen" where we visited the "Historical Clockcollection" with typical clocks. In "Neukirch" we saw some old street-organs in the "Organ Museum". Most of them were still working and played typical Schwarzwalder music.

June 8, 1977

It was the last whole day in Schonach and we packed our belongings and souvenirs and rested a lot so we would be able to travel back to Holland tomorrow.

June 9, 1977

With another sunny day, it was possible to sit in the sun till 10 o’clock, before we left the Hotel and drove to Offenburg around 1 o’clock. Then we travelled again with the Loreley Express and arrived in Den Haag around midnight. We eated something and went to bed. And so ended another holiday.

Leaving Schonach  Leaving Schonach

PS: It took Jenneke JR’s father a couple of months before his injuries were over, but they never disappeared completly and till the time he died (in 1982) he had some helf problems from time to time because of these.

View on Schonach with church 

Church of Schonach



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