The years 1948 – 1954
Q: You told me that you were a member of "De Spartaan" in Rotterdam. I heard that you wrote for their monthly newsletter "Mascotte" too?
A: Mostly I wrote about games that they played, but I also had a special column in the newsletter under the name "Haagse Hopjes". Sometimes I wrote something under my own name, but I had a pseudo as well.
Q: A pseudo? What was that?
A: I took the letters of my own name and made another one of them. So I came up with the name "Adri Swertings". I guess, not many people knew that that was me.
Q: And where were the words "RSV" standing for in "RSV De Spartaan"?
A: That stands for: "Rotterdamse Sport Vereniging".
Q: Did you meet your second wife there too?
A: No. But my second wife can tell you more about our (first) meeting. Anyway: we got engaged on May 8, 1949 and we married on December 14, 1949. The wedding was delayed for a week, because she went ill some weeks before and wasn’t 100% on December 7th.
Weddingportrait (Click on the photo to see more photos of this series) |
Q: You told us something about "De Jampot" earlier. Do you have some photos of some of the dinners you have had over the years? And where’s the name coming from?
A: Sure. Just go to my photogallery and you’ll see some of them. Not all the people stayed a member over the years. Some of them passed away during the years, got other jobs or just said that they had a marvelous time, but that it was enough for them. The name comes from the fact that we were sitting under the ground in the Provinciehuis, we were not able to go to the toilet there and we had to use something else, as you know what I mean!
Q: Yes I do. On October 16, 1954 you celebrated your silver jubilee. Was it a big party?
A: Yes, all my colleagues where there and members of "De Jampot" and also from the "Contactcommissie".
Q: The what commissie? You never mentioned that commission before.
A: I’ll tell you more about that later. But you asked about my silver jubilee first. There was something written about it in the monthly magazine of my work "Vigilate". Would it be a nice gesture to you that article to give an indication of the festivity itself?
Q: Yes, please do.
On October 16, 1954, Mr. G.W. Stinis, headclerk (Note: I made it to headclerk at that time), celebrated the fact that he started to work here at the "Provincie Zuid-Holland". This fact was celebrated in a private celebration with his colleagues, because we all know, that Mr. Stinis don’t be fond of show. In the morning, they drove him from his house to his work. There he went to his office, where his colleagues flowered the whole room and the chef of his department (Mr. Lodder) said some words to the celebrator of the jubilee. He gave him some presents and a special ex-libris. In this ex-libris you find all the aspects of Mr. Stinis. Mr. Stinis was very touched and thanked everyone with a short speech. After that, a lot of colleagues congratulated Mr. Stinis and members of "De Jampot" and "De Contactcommissie" were on hand as well. Mr. Van Rietschoten (from De Jampot) and Mr. Van Keule (from De Contactcommissie) also congratulated him. Mr. Blankenspoor made some photos of the whole celebration. Afterwards, there was time for some cafe and some little talk. We saw some 150 people paying attention to this jubilee, which will be a wonderful memory in our harts, but, of course, especially in that from Mr. Stinis.
Source: Vigilate, November 1954
I also received an ex-libris for my books.
And here are some photos of that day:
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