
My time as a brownie leader

(part 2)


by: Jenneke JR.


March 1979 was a very busy month. Only 14 days after my installation as a brownie leader, the group celebrated its 40th anniversary with a special evening in De Wigwam where all the parts of the group did something special. De St. Joriskring went on a journey trough "Bambilië".

St. Joris Kring  The St. Joris Kring

Otherwise as in the years when I was a brownie myself and we had small nations as the "Leperkaantjes", the brownies now are playing in the (victive) land Bambilië and has small nations where they are living with names like "Bromberg" and "Woepsmond". The storyteller visited all these little villages during his trip that day. It was a big success and my father was one of the photographers of the whole evening.

The Malicete horde

End of the jubilee show

The Malicete Horde

The end of the show

Some months later, the brownies had another camp. This time the them was "Snomasmurfas". We had a total of 22 brownies coming with us and there were "Snoopy’s", "Maja’s", "Smurfen" and "Asterixen".

Snomasmurfascamp in Eerbeek

The brownies loved the camp. It was a mix of all kind of themes they liked. Just like the camp we had in 1980 in Wageningen again where we paid attention to some fairy-tales during "Het Sprookjeskamp".

Clubhuis de Dorsvlegels

1981 was a very special camp. We held a "Safarikamp" in Bennekom. Because two of our leaders just got their first baby, we had to search for some others to replace them, but that wasn’t a big problem. Before we went away, we worked months on the preparations for it. Especially the flag was a challenge and I still see myself sitting behind the sewing machine to make it. For the first time, I also did the financial part of the camp.

Safaricamp Bennekeom

Some brownies in the Safari camp

Also in 1981, the group decided that it would be time to paint the walls of "De Wigwam". I made a little concept for the drawing for the wall of the Brownies. They only changed some details in the final painting and we all spent many ours in the Wigwam to paint all the walls.

Drawing for the wall in the Wigwam

Jeffey with the drawing

1982 was the final camp for me as a brownieleader, but I didn’t know that. "De Muppets" was the theme of this camp and my name during the week was "Pops". We went to Huizen between July 10 – July 17. Here’s a photo of the flag of this camp.

Muppet camp in Huizen

In 1983 I worked with the others on the preparations for the camp with the title "Ollie B. Bommel", but I never went with them to Eerbeek, because I still had problems with my head after my concussion of the brain in October 1982.

In May 1984 followed by my nervous breakdown. I tried to go every Saturdaymorning to the brownies, but it didn’t functionate anymore. I was more Saturdaymornings away then I was present. New brownies had no idea anymore who I was and I didn’t know them either. In 1985 I decided that it was enough and that I had to say goodbye to my "career" as a brownieleader.

I even hadn’t had the courage for a "big" farewell party so some of the leaders came over to our house to give me some presents. With ending my life as a brownieleader, my time by Scouting Nederland was also over, but for me, all these years where years, which I enjoyed very much and in which I learned so many things, which are so useful, that I won’t regret it. NEVER!



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