by: Jenneke JR.
Our new "home" as a girl guide was very small. It was actually a foresters house. There were some small closets for our belongings. In this group there were 4 different small nations as well. I became a member of the "Kruisbessen".
By the end of the line on this photo was
our home as a girl guide situated
During October and November we had to learn a lot of new things before it was time for our installation as a girl guide in November 1968.
The installationcard as a girl guide
Some photos of the installation as a girl guide
Once we were a girl guide, it was possible to "work" for some badges here too. But this time, I really got the spirit! During the years 1969 and 1970 I worked so very hard for so many different badges, that I finally got a total of more then 20 of them which were enough to be the first girl guide ever of the Kieviten who received their "Juniorkoorden" in a special ceremony on February 27, 1971. They never expected that someone of the group would make it so far, so it was a very special day for everyone.
Some of the other girl guides also "worked" very hard to get these "Juniorkoorden" now too and after a couple of months, they succeeded.
In 1970 the whole "Kieviten" group had to move to another location, because there were plans to build a big new school on the place of the foresters house. The funniest thing of this all is, that many years later, when I was studying at the PATA, I had some sportlessons in this new school at the exact place as where I spent my time as a girl scout!
1971 was also the year that the group Wegeli Duinwijk and the Kieviten in particular, lost most of their members and leaders. Our new "home" was located on top of a school building in the Azaleastraat but we hardly had enough space to do some things as we used to. At the end there were only 5 people left. Most of my friends were gone already and I decided to say goodbye to all of them as well. It was a hard decision but I didnt feel comfortable there anymore.
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